Thursday, February 17, 2011

Communication Is Key


I'm sure that everyone out there has dealt with drama in one way or another during their planning process (and if you haven't, be so thankful!).  Mr. E and I  have dealt with our fair share of drama - from the budget to unresponsive vendors to family issues.  While I would have rather had a blissful, drama free engagement (who wouldn't want that?), I will admit that dealing with this drama together has truly strengthened our relationship and solidified how important communication is.

When the reality of wedding costs sunk it, it was communication (and a financial savings plan) from Mr. E that allowed me to realize that we could pull it off with a little more time.  The lack of communication from that vendor provided many sleepless nights for me, but showed us that we were better off booking someone else.  Family issues blew out of proportion thanks to technology, but picking up the phone and having a real conversation proved to be the only way for each side to voice their feelings.

Communication has always been interesting for us because we are your typical extroverted/introverted couple.  I love to talk, and Mr. E is a man of little words.  I have witnessed him open up during our years together and it makes me extremely happy.  Sometimes I find my self watching him talk and I smile at how much of a better communicator he is now.

When reading The Five Love Languages we laughed at how on point the description of the Babbling Brook and Dead Sea personality types were for us. One of our greatest take aways from that book was the "Minimum Daily Requirement" exercise where we take the time everyday to talk about three things that happened to us and how we felt about them.

We're not perfect.  What couple is? We have our fights disagreements here and there, but being able to open up and talk through our issues is something that will prove to be a lasting benefit to our marriage.

Did you and your fiancĂ©e have to deal with drama during your engagement? What are some ways that helped you to work on your communication?

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